Discover 7 Unusually Great Boosts for a Simpler Life

Philip A. Christensen
3 min readFeb 22, 2024
7 Ideas for a Simple Life that Build a New Mindset.

7 ideas for a simple life that build a new mindset. These are things I’ve heard before. Unfortunately, when something is too simple, it tends to be overlooked. Because we have the impression that it has to be complicated to be taken seriously. These ideas have worked for me, and that’s the only validation I need.

1. Change is allowed; every day can be a new beginning.

Change is always allowed.

Taoists talk about the physical and mental harm of rigidity.

They are not the only ones!

Nothing is permanent is one of the universal truths expressed in different ways!

“Sic transit gloria mundi!”

In the 14th century, there was a custom that, at the enthronement of a pope, a monk would come three times in front of him to burn a piece of hemp, saying: “Sancta Pater, sic transit gloria mundi.”

The custom is older. Roman generals, with the permission of the Roman Senate, had the right to a triumph, a ceremony that marked the peak of their careers. They would parade on a golden chariot, but behind the general was a man who had to repeat to the celebrated one: “Remember that you are mortal.” A wise call to humility, indeed!



Philip A. Christensen

Author and coach, I write for ambitious solopreneurs, creative freelancers, and overwhelmed leaders who want to know how to deal with their self-sabotage.