Wealthy Paths: A Creative Freelancer’s Triumph

Philip A. Christensen
5 min readFeb 9, 2024

The Story of a Creative Freelancer Overcoming Financial Challenges

freelancing, creativity, entrepreneurship, financial challenges, personal development.

The sky was almost clear when we started talking. We didn’t even notice when the clouds gathered, and it got darker.

When the clouds gather, let’s not forget that beyond them, the sky always stays clear. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suddenly, summer rain started pouring!

We had begun a coaching session in response to a seemingly urgent request over the phone. So, we found shelter under a tree with dense foliage and continued our conversation.

The story?

We were mainly discussing the fears and challenges of a novice entrepreneur, let’s continue to call her V. (the initial doesn’t correspond to reality).

She came from a family of teachers, graduated in art, and started taking artistic marketing photos. Now, she had a small network of restaurant clients — a mix of social foundations and paying customers.

The challenge:



Philip A. Christensen
Philip A. Christensen

Written by Philip A. Christensen

Author and coach, I write for ambitious solopreneurs, creative freelancers, and overwhelmed leaders who want to know how to deal with their self-sabotage.

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