That Will Shape Inner Thermostat to Make Unusual Success

Philip A. Christensen
3 min readMay 16, 2024

Tools for Cultivating Exceptional Business Success

Mindfulness; Life; Life Lessons; Lifestyle; Mental Health; Unusual Success; Business Success
 This is how we operate: like a thermostat. It’s a reality of your life. It’s about how personal growth and improvement work.

This is how we operate: like a thermostat. It’s a reality of your life. It’s about how personal growth and improvement work.

There’s an internal sensor, much like in a thermostat for external temperature. This internal sensor determines how much love, success, abundance, joy, and happiness a person allows themselves to experience in life. This sensor is tied to internal beliefs, often unconscious, about how much we deserve, and it even determines our salary level.

There’s a sort of loyalty to our parents. The internal sensor will ensure we earn about as much as our parents did. There’s also a corollary to this “law”: the money earned is the average of the five people we spend most of our time with.

How does this internal thermostat manifest in our lives?

Well, when we experience more positivity than we’re used to, we unconsciously take “measures.” We attract situations that balance out the positivity period.

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” — Steve Maraboli



Philip A. Christensen

Author and coach, I write for ambitious solopreneurs, creative freelancers, and overwhelmed leaders who want to know how to deal with their self-sabotage.