Member-only story
Riding the Winds of Change: Embrace and Evolve
Remember that you are mortal!” whispered his trusted companion during the event in which the empire recognized his merits.
We are in ancient Rome, during a triumphal celebration, something that generally happened only once in a general’s lifetime. However, in times when the empire was in decline, triumphs became more frequent for various usurpers who came to power. Originally, a triumph was a unique event in a person’s life, dedicated only to truly exceptional achievements and contributions.
Legend has it that during the celebratory parade, alongside the general in the triumphal chariot stood a trusted individual whose task was one and only: to help the general keep his wits about him by reminding him that everything is fleeting.
“The sky changes, the earth changes, and people change,” is a Cheyenne proverb. “Those who resist change are like stones in the path of a river,” said the wise Lakota.
Far at the end of the world, another sage teaches us that “Everything in the world is in constant change.” His name is Lao Tzu. Buddha tells us, “Nothing is permanent.”