Member-only story
This Is The Cost Of Made Growth Online Success
Overcome Fears and Embrace Transformation
Do you want to inspire or let yourself be overwhelmed by your fears?
Success online comes at a price. Are you willing to pay it?
Understand the costs and benefits, and your fears will dissolve. You have every right to be afraid of online success. Many things in your life change when you go from zero people knowing you to 1,000, 10,000, and then 100,000. Does what you choose become important?
A change that, in the end, is for your ultimate good and that of those around you? Or will you stay the same, to cater to the weaknesses of those around you?
When you start to see results and progress, meaning to have success, certain costs can generate FEAR OF SUCCESS.
Here are a few of these costs:
New Priorities
Old habits will change, and certain relationships you might not be able to maintain as before. You’ll find you have energy for some activities and no longer for others. In other words, you will go through a real internal transformation along with your external success.